Ductwork Replacement

At Patriot Cooling, we take pride in engineering custom ductwork designs tailored specifically for each home. Our expert team understands that every space is unique, which is why we create ductwork solutions that fit your home’s size and layout perfectly.

Adding extra returns to your system can significantly enhance your indoor air quality and comfort. More returns mean better air filtration, reducing dust and allergens, and promoting a healthier living environment. Plus, with improved airflow, your system operates quieter and has a longer lifespan for the indoor coil!

Can replacing my ductwork save me money on the electrical bill?

New ductwork can save you up to 20% on your annual heating and cooling costs in Florida. Ductwork that is inefficient or leaking can cause your HVAC system to work harder, which can lead to higher utility bills. 

Here are some other benefits of new ductwork: 

  • Improved air quality: New ductwork can help improve air quality in your home. 

  • Better insulation: New ductwork can improve the insulation of your HVAC system, which can help prevent heat from escaping or getting in. 

  • Even air distribution: New ductwork can help ensure that air is distributed evenly throughout your home.